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We are living longer and healthier lives, and the over 65s are the fastest growing group in the population. If we want to ensure that the quality of life of that generation also continues to improve we need to encourage innovation to be continuously taking place - certainly medical innovation but also social innovation in relation to ways to tackle the challenges of ageing. 
In a sense this is what ‘Retirement Reinvented’ is all about, encouraging retirees to take opportunities which will bring fulfillment to them as individuals as well as helping society. 
Encouraging the discussion of ideas can lead to innovation, and it is hoped that this page will be used as a platform for this. Let’s have your practical suggestions on action to tackle the challenges of ageing!
See Charles Leadbeater’s paper on ‘The Ten Habits of Mass Innovation’, which is Provocation paper number 1 published by Nesta.  www.nesta.org.uk/informing/provocations/index.aspx